

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Teachers’ GroupTeachers’ GroupTeachers’ GroupTeachers’ Group

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Teachers’ Group


Teachers’ Group
Teachers’ Group
Teachers’ GroupTeachers’ Group

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Aimed at teachers of different levels of schooling and with different levels of knowledge in cinema, the Teachers’ Group aims to be a space for sharing experiences regarding cinema. Based on Batalha's programming, it intends to trigger a horizontal discussion, based on the exchange of experiences, about the tools that can be used to integrate cinema into students’ education. Over the course of 25 hours, participants will have the opportunity to acquire tools to understand the codes of cinema and will make a short film.
The Teachers’ Group is coordinated by Pedro Alves, professor and researcher at the Catholic University of Porto and coordinator of the INSERT project, which promotes film literacy.

Certified Training by the Guilhermina Suggia Training Centre: Cinema in the Classroom: another way of intervening in the teaching and learning process

Registration: CCPFC/ACC-127317/24

No. of hours: 25


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Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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©2024 Batalha Centro de Cinema. Design de website por Macedo Cannatà e programação por Bondhabits desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile