
A meeting place for book lovers and cinephiles, making available a vast and continually growing archive of documents about cinema and moving image. The space contains a reading room, with books and magazines freely available for reading, as well as two screening points for viewing films from the Film Library.

Our collection brings together publications from all eras relating to different fields of cinema. It also features complementary works from related disciplines, such as the social and human sciences, curating, and the visual arts. In the Library it is also possible to consult more than a dozen periodical publications from various countries.


Tuesday to Saturday: 11.00am–7.00pm


Consultation of works can only be conducted in person. Home borrowing is not permitted.


25 de Abril no Cinema: Antologia de textos
25 de Abril no Cinema: Antologia de textos
Maria João Madeira (org.)
Lisboa: Cinemateca Portuguesa–Museu do Cinema, 1999
Artur Semedo
Artur Semedo
Miguel Ramos (coord.)
Porto: Confederação, 2015
Jane Campion
Jane Campion
Deb Verhoeven
London/New York: Routledge, 2009
Tracking Loach: politics, practices, production
Tracking Loach: politics, practices, production
David Archibald
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023
25 de Abril no Cinema: Antologia de textos
25 de Abril no Cinema: Antologia de textos
Maria João Madeira (org.)
Film Library

Dedicated to the film heritage of Porto, the Film Library aims to collect and preserve cinematographic works related to the practice of film in Porto.

The catalogue includes films across fiction, animation and documentary, as well as a range of other audiovisual recordings and formats: television programmes and series, music videos, advertisements, amateur and family cinema, school projects and experimental works.


The Night
The Night
Regina Pessoa
Portugal, anim., 1999, 7’
Arca d'Água
Arca d’Água
André Gil Mata
Portugal, fic., 2009, 23’
Bernardo Gaia, João Malho Amaral, Luísa Vieira de Campos, Maria Leonor França, Matilda Azevedo Perdicoúlis e Matilde Santiago
Portugal, doc., 2019, 3’
Ubi Sunt
Ubi Sunt
Salomé Lamas
Portugal, doc./exp./fic., 2017, 23’
The Night
The Night
Regina Pessoa
Portugal, anim., 1999, 7’

It's the story of a child and her mother, two lives that don't communicate with each other. Is that loneliness that sometimes reaches the size of the night. Dark is the night. Dark is the mother. And dark becomes the entire Universe when you are alone and abandoned.

Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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