In 2012, Tsai Ming-Liang embarked on a project with his long-time collaborator, Lee Kang-Sheng, in which the latter took on the role of a monk walking through various public and private spaces. This resulted in a series of meditative documentary studies called the Walker Series. Sand is part of this study and features 16 durational shots of Kang-Sheng crossing the dunes of the Zhuangwei park.
In 2012, Tsai Ming-Liang embarked on a project with his long-time collaborator, Lee Kang-Sheng, in which the latter took on the role of a monk walking through various public and private spaces. This resulted in a series of meditative documentary studies called the Walker Series. Sand is part of this study and features 16 durational shots of Kang-Sheng crossing the dunes of the Zhuangwei park.
Taiwan, doc., 2018, 81’
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