

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Salomé Lamas: ParaficçãoSalomé Lamas: ParaficçãoSalomé Lamas: ParaficçãoSalomé Lamas: Paraficção

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Salomé Lamas: Paraficção


Salomé Lamas: Paraficção

Salomé Lamas has described her artistic practice within the fields of cinema and contemporary art as “speaking close by” — a method she uses to relate to the world through fictional and non-fictional material, presented in an open and provocative way. In each of her works, the filmmaker uses different para-fictional strategies to problematise both sides of the boundary, capturing the recent shift in borders and questioning the impact of these changes in a globalised society.

This exhibition at Batalha will be accompanied by the publication Paraficção II, which gathers various critical perspectives on Salomé Lamas’s oeuvre.


1 Dec, Fri, 6pm

Free entry.

Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Salomé Lamas: ParaficçãoSalomé Lamas: ParaficçãoSalomé Lamas: ParaficçãoSalomé Lamas: Paraficção

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