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Curso de Crítica de Cinema 2024Curso de Crítica de Cinema 2024Curso de Crítica de Cinema 2024Curso de Crítica de Cinema 2024

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Curso de Crítica de Cinema 2024


Curso de Crítica de Cinema 2024
Film Criticism Course — 3rd edition
Curso de Crítica de Cinema 2024Curso de Crítica de Cinema 2024


The Film Criticism course aims to address the various ways of studying, understanding and interpreting cinema through writing, proposing a reflection on what criticism is, what it is for, what makes it up and how it is produced. This course explores in depth the conception of criticism in the field of cinema and its connection to the disciplines of Visual Arts, Music, Literature and Performing Arts. At the end of the theoretical-practical course, an edition will be published with critical texts written by the participants and guest tutors. This will be the third edition of the Film Criticism course, curated by the critic and film director Saguenail.

Coordination: Saguenail
Trainers: António Guerreiro, Cristina Fernandes, Fernando Lapa, Inês Sapeta Dias, Luís Mestre, Matilde Seabra, Nathalie Mansoux, Ricardo Vieira Lisboa

Registration: 1–30 Sep
Interviews: Until 15 November; Announcement of the selectees until 30 November
Sessions: 18
Calendar: 7, 14, 21 January; 4, 11, 18, 25 February; 11, 18, 25 March; 1, 15, 22, 29 April; 6, 13, 20, 27 May
Schedule: Tuesdays, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Recipients: General audiences
Vacancies: 20
Registration fee: 25€

Registration closed. These sessions are conducted in Portuguese only. For additional information, reach out to us via


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Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Curso de Crítica de Cinema 2024Curso de Crítica de Cinema 2024Curso de Crítica de Cinema 2024Curso de Crítica de Cinema 2024

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