

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Clube de Leitura 2024Clube de Leitura 2024Clube de Leitura 2024Clube de Leitura 2024

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Clube de Leitura 2024


Clube de Leitura 2024
Reading Club
Clube de Leitura 2024Clube de Leitura 2024


The Reading Club aims to stimulate a dialogue between cinema and literature. In this second edition, Gisela Casimiro, writer and artist, and Teresa Coutinho, actress and creator, propose a reflection on Batalha’s programme, in dialogue with some books chosen by the mentors. By reading and analyzing novels, poems or essays together, the group will work on and discuss the intertextualities of the different works. There will also be special sessions with guests from different artistic fields.

Registration from December 4.

Sessions: 10
Schedule: Thursdays, from 7.15pm to 8.30pm
Calendar: February 1 and 15; March 21 and 28; April 4 and 11; May 2 and 16; June 6 and 20
Recipients: General audiences


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Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Clube de Leitura 2024Clube de Leitura 2024Clube de Leitura 2024Clube de Leitura 2024

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