

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova Set2023Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova Set2023Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova Set2023Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova Set2023

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Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova Set2023


Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova Set2023

The Thousand Year Plan, Agnieszka Polska, 2021

Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova Set2023Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova Set2023


When a star explodes in a supernova and projects its intense light on a cosmic scale, it also emits the chemical elements forged in its core – including, for example, the silver found in film stock, or the oxygen held in our breath in the dark of a cinema auditorium.

Supernova is a group for young cinephiles aged between 16 and 22 years old that aims to encourage an informal enjoyment of cinema through differing perspectives. Batalha’s programme will be seen through the lens of other art forms such as dance, music, visual arts, pop culture elements or even the personal experiences of each group member.

The second edition of the group will be guided by João Benjamim, from Escola Artística Soares dos Reis, and Allian Fernando, artist and student of Art History at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto.

Registration: Free
Sessions: 9
Schedule: Fortnightly, Thursdays, from 6pm to 7pm
Recipients: 16-22 years old

These sessions are conducted in Portuguese only. For additional information, reach out to us via


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Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova Set2023Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova Set2023Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova Set2023Cinema ao Redor - Grupos - Supernova Set2023

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