

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Animation Workshop with Laura GonçalvesAnimation Workshop with Laura GonçalvesAnimation Workshop with Laura GonçalvesAnimation Workshop with Laura Gonçalves

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Animation Workshop with Laura Gonçalves


Animation Workshop with Laura Gonçalves
Animation Workshop with Laura Gonçalves
Animation Workshop with Laura GonçalvesAnimation Workshop with Laura Gonçalves


During the Easter holidays, we invite youngsters to discover animated cinema with filmmaker Laura Gonçalves, author of the short films Três Semanas Em Dezembro (2013) and O Homem do Lixo (2022). In this workshop, participants aged between 9 and 12 will have the opportunity to develop a short animated film, experimenting with the different stages of the process, such as choosing a theme, building a storyboard, exploring animation techniques, building characters and sets, directing and editing. The result of this joint work will then be presented in Batalha. The workshop also includes a guided tour of the Casa-Museu de Vilar with its director, Abi Feijó, one of the most important figures in Portuguese animation.

Registration for the workshop is now closed as the number of vacancies has been reached.


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Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Animation Workshop with Laura GonçalvesAnimation Workshop with Laura GonçalvesAnimation Workshop with Laura GonçalvesAnimation Workshop with Laura Gonçalves

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