

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

ZHA! — Encontro finalZHA! — Encontro finalZHA! — Encontro finalZHA! — Encontro final

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ZHA! — Encontro final


ZHA! – Final Encounter


ZHA! — Encontro finalZHA! — Encontro final

Past event.

Past event.




Over the course of 28 months, the ZHA! project has developed a co-creation project with the gypsy communities of Campanhã, promoting their artistic and cultural heritage through workshops, an album, music videos, shows, an essay and, now, a documentary film. Batalha will once again welcome Visões Úteis and the entire ZHA! community for a meeting that marks the end of the project, but which aims to open doors to a new phase. The screening of the documentary ZHA! by Vasco Mendes, accompanied by talks with educators, artists, the community and public and private institutions, will be an opportunity to reflect on the project's impact and discuss its future. As well as evaluating the work carried out, the meeting aims to raise awareness of the dissemination of good practices on interculturality, migrants and ethnic minorities.

ZHA! is a PARTIS & Art for Change project funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian and “la Caixa” foundations. It is promoted by Visões Úteis and has the following partners: Ágora, Agrupamentos de Escolas do Cerco do Porto and António Nobre, ACM/AIMA, ARDA Recorders, Equipa de Rua Oriental da Norte Vida, Fios e Desafios, União Romani Portuguesa e Associação “Os Viquingues”, Fundação Salesianos, Junta de Freguesia de Campanhã, REDES CLDS4G/APPC e Sinergi@s-E9G/ARRIMO. Visões Úteis is supported by the Ministry of Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts.

3pm Talk #1 How it was?

5pm Documentary screening ZHA!

7pm Talk #2 What will it be like?

Free entrance upon ticket pickup

Other screenings

Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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ZHA! — Encontro finalZHA! — Encontro finalZHA! — Encontro finalZHA! — Encontro final

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