

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

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01 Vanille


Guillaume Lorin


02 As Pernas de Maradona
Maradona's Legs


Firas Khoury


03 O Voo do Pinguim
The Penguin's Flight


Stella Serefoglou


A Hot Summer



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Past event.

Past event.




With its beaches, games, family and friends, summer is a period of transformations. In this session we meet Vanille, who is forced to spend her holidays with her family on the island of Guadalupe — will she discover something else beyond the unknown landscape of the island? In Palestine, in the hot summer of 1990, two football superfans set out to find the much coveted legs of the man known as the “hand of God”. In the final film, Ellie, in the lonely shadows of summer, discovers her place in the world and comes to understand how, sometimes, being alone can be rewarding.

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Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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