

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Top of the Lake (T1, Ep. 4–6)Top of the Lake (T1, Ep. 4–6)Top of the Lake (T1, Ep. 4–6)Top of the Lake (T1, Ep. 4–6)

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Top of the Lake (T1, Ep. 4–6)


Top of the Lake (T1, Ep. 4–6)


Top of the Lake (T1, Ep. 4–6)Top of the Lake (T1, Ep. 4–6)

Past event.

Past event.




An award-winning television series devised and written by Jane Campion and Gerard Lee, Top of the Lake follows detective Robin Griffin (Elisabeth Moss) on an investigation into the disappearance of a 12-year-old pregnant child near a lake in New Zealand. As the investigation proceeds, the detective discovers the secrets of this small city, as well as new things about herself. The series dwells on themes of misogyny, abuse and power dynamics, as it navigates through the rugged terrain of New Zealand and the human psyche. The first season of Top of the Lake is shown for the first time in a cinema in Portugal, over two screenings, closing the retrospective dedicated to Jane Campion.

Free entrance upon ticket pickup on the same day. Limited to two tickets per person.

Other screenings

Age restriction


Australia/United Kingdom/New Zealand, fic., 2013, 176'

Programme notes by Joana Rafael

Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Top of the Lake (T1, Ep. 4–6)Top of the Lake (T1, Ep. 4–6)Top of the Lake (T1, Ep. 4–6)Top of the Lake (T1, Ep. 4–6)

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