

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Peixes Fora D’ÁguaPeixes Fora D’ÁguaPeixes Fora D’ÁguaPeixes Fora D’Água

Clean filters

Peixes Fora D’Água



China, China, João Pedro Rodrigues and João Rui Guerra da Mata


Weekend, Cláudia Varejão


Breathing Under Water, António Ferreira

Fish Out of Water


Peixes Fora D’ÁguaPeixes Fora D’Água

Past event.

Past event.




The landscape of short features in the millennium was one of great intensity. In this screening, we present three key examples of films that echo still the traces of a complex transition into the future. Within them, young characters wish to become something else, be someplace else. But they are still stuck in their routines, their families, their homes. They are angry with themselves, and with the world. All that's left is the desire for escape.

Other screenings

Age restriction

English subtitles

Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Peixes Fora D’ÁguaPeixes Fora D’ÁguaPeixes Fora D’ÁguaPeixes Fora D’Água

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