

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Palestra de Jan Baetens + La jetée, Chris MarkerPalestra de Jan Baetens + La jetée, Chris MarkerPalestra de Jan Baetens + La jetée, Chris MarkerPalestra de Jan Baetens + La jetée, Chris Marker

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Palestra de Jan Baetens + La jetée, Chris Marker


La jetée, Chris Marker
Lecture by Jan Baetens + La jetée, Chris Marker
Chris Marker


Palestra de Jan Baetens + La jetée, Chris MarkerPalestra de Jan Baetens + La jetée, Chris Marker





In connection with the exhibition The film photonovel: a forgotten type of cinema in print, curated by Jan Baetens, the professor and historian join us for a lecture that will look at the history and specifics of the film photonovel, a long-forgotten format that became extremely popular in Europe in the 1955-1965 decade. The lecture will be accompanied by a screening of La jetée, by filmmaker, poet, novelist and artist Chris Marker. Considered one of the most influential science fiction films, the work challenges the concept of cinema as a moving image. Using the narrative resource of photomontage (around 200 photographs in 26 minutes), La jetée follows a man in a post-apocalyptic setting who is forced to travel back in time to find a solution to the fate of humanity.

Other screenings








Original title

La jetée





Age restriction


Palestra: 45' + Filme: 29'

Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Palestra de Jan Baetens + La jetée, Chris MarkerPalestra de Jan Baetens + La jetée, Chris MarkerPalestra de Jan Baetens + La jetée, Chris MarkerPalestra de Jan Baetens + La jetée, Chris Marker

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