

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

O Aprendiz de XamãO Aprendiz de XamãO Aprendiz de XamãO Aprendiz de Xamã

Clean filters

O Aprendiz de Xamã



The Shaman's Apprentice, Zacharias Kunuk


Qalupalik, Ame Papatsie


Shaman, Echo Henoche


How To Build an Igloo, Douglas Wilkinson

The Shaman's Apprentice


O Aprendiz de XamãO Aprendiz de Xamã

Past event.

Past event.




In the inuit community, the shaman helped to interpret signs from the unseen, assuming a role not only of a counselor, but also a healer. In this screening we'll meet, through Zacharias Kunuk's first animated film, a shaman's apprentice, and see a number of stories told by inuit directors and animators. At the end, we'll show a curious and practical documentary on how to build an igloo, the inuit people's icy homes.

Other screenings

Age restriction


Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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O Aprendiz de XamãO Aprendiz de XamãO Aprendiz de XamãO Aprendiz de Xamã

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