Masterclass com Chris Watson: An Urban Bestiary
Masterclass with Chris Watson: Worldly Bestiaries


Masterclass com Chris Watson: An Urban BestiaryMasterclass com Chris Watson: An Urban Bestiary

Past event.




Award-winning sound recordist and musician Chris Watson has a particular and passionate interest in recording the wildlife sounds of animals and habitats from around the world, creating spatial sound installations with a strong sense and spirit of place. Watson led the sound recordings and composition of Carlos Casas’s multimedia installation Bestiari, enmeshing the sonic landscapes of present-day natural and urban Catalonia with those of other geographies and times. For his masterclass, Watson will introduce and reflect upon his location working practices and compositional style with a series of recorded case-studies. During the Masterclass, Watson will also discuss his concept of temporal resolution — the idea that animals live alongside humans yet occupy widely different time frames — attending to how sound allow us to explore how biological and geological times co-exist in permanent disjunction and attunement.

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Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Masterclass com Chris Watson: An Urban BestiaryMasterclass com Chris Watson: An Urban BestiaryMasterclass com Chris Watson: An Urban BestiaryMasterclass com Chris Watson: An Urban Bestiary

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