

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Julia de Castro: Voces que aparecenJulia de Castro: Voces que aparecenJulia de Castro: Voces que aparecenJulia de Castro: Voces que aparecen

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Julia de Castro: Voces que aparecen


Julia de Castro: Voces que aparecen
Voces que aparecen



Julia de Castro: Voces que aparecenJulia de Castro: Voces que aparecen

Past event.

Past event.




As part of the programme El Futuro Ya No Está Aquí that addresses, among other topics, the representation of female emancipation, we will reflect on cinema dubbing in Spain during the dictatorship and how it was a key tool of censorship and manipulation by the regime. The artist Julia de Castro, in a new commissioned piece by Batalha, will use this key tool to be reversed in the performance Voces que aparecen by recovering the silenced voices of female artists from the late Franco period. 

Simultaneous translation into Portuguese by Luisa de Castro. Free entry.

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Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Julia de Castro: Voces que aparecenJulia de Castro: Voces que aparecenJulia de Castro: Voces que aparecenJulia de Castro: Voces que aparecen

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