

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Filme surpresa de HalloweenFilme surpresa de HalloweenFilme surpresa de HalloweenFilme surpresa de Halloween

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Filme surpresa de Halloween


Halloween surprise film


Filme surpresa de HalloweenFilme surpresa de Halloween

Past event.

Past event.




In anticipation of the spookiest night of the year, we challenged our Quiz Masters, Guilherme Cobretti and Jay Toso, to create a programme capable of weakening the stoutest of hearts. The challenge was accepted, but it is shrouded in mystery — after much insistence from our team, Batalha's most curious duo refused to reveal their chosen film. We are therefore obliged to warn the bravest of the brave that this pre-Halloween evening is unpredictable and that no complaints or refunds will be accepted!

The screening, presented by Guilherme Cobretti and Jay Toso, will be preceded by Batalha Quiz: Halloween Special, at 10pm in the Bar.

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Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Filme surpresa de HalloweenFilme surpresa de HalloweenFilme surpresa de HalloweenFilme surpresa de Halloween

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