

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

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FilmChief - Cycle ∞FilmChief - Cycle ∞

Past event.

Past event.




This installation celebrates the work of the COUSIN collective by presenting short films made by its members and friends. Moving image, music, visual art and performance intersect in these 16 contemporary indigenous stories, which pulsate to the sound of many languages and challenge the present in order to imagine the future.

Full Programme

Endless Acknowledgment, New Red Order, exp., 3’

Land Becomes Ghost, Fallon Simard, doc./exp., 2016, 2’

Plugged In: Shinnecock Monument, Jeremy Dennis, exp., 2016, 1’

American West Bondage, Demian Dinéyazhi, exp., 5’

Faces, Displays, and Other Imaginary Things, Woodrow Hunt, exp./doc., 2020, 11’

The Plains Indian Sign Language, Elisa Harkins e Nathan Young, fic., 2’

When You're Lost In The Rain, Sky Hopinka, exp., 2018, 5’

A Portrait in Red, Alexandra Lazarowich, fic./exp., 5’

Sttlmnt Ft. Laura Ortman, Razelle Benally, doc., 7’

Fever Dream, Kite e Devin Ronnenberg, exp., 2021, 6’ 

Never Settle: Calling In, New Red Order, fic./exp., 4’

Nine ∞ (Excerpt), Krista Belle Stewart, doc./exp., 2020, 7’

The Plains Indian Sign Language 2, Nathan Young e Warren Realrider, fic., 3’

Aht-Kahn-Hain (Time Without End), Adam Piron, exp., 2021, 8’

We Live, Cannupa Hanska Luger, fic./exp., 2019, 3’

Less Lethal Fetishes, Thirza Cuthand, doc./exp., 9’

Other screenings

Age restriction


Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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