

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Encontro com Duke + Um Lugar no CéuEncontro com Duke + Um Lugar no CéuEncontro com Duke + Um Lugar no CéuEncontro com Duke + Um Lugar no Céu

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Encontro com Duke + Um Lugar no Céu


01 Encontro com Duke
Date with Duke


George Pál


02 Um Lugar no Céu
Cabin in the Sky


Vincente Minnelli


Date with Duke + Cabin in the Sky

Past event.




Inspired by the Broadway show of the same title, Minnelli’s first musical stood out as one of the first large Hollywood productions to feature a majority Black cast, a rarity at the time. Ethel Waters would subsequently become one of the most successful Black actors in film. This amusing tale of good and evil follows a man of dubious character who, after almost dying, gets stuck between heaven and hell, and is given the opportunity to redeem himself. Full of vibrant musical numbers, this classic is a milestone in African American cinema, finely balanced between humour, emotion and spirituality. The film culminates in a grand music hall with the band of Duke Ellington — the protagonist of the short film we screen beforehand, Date with Duke.

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Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Encontro com Duke + Um Lugar no CéuEncontro com Duke + Um Lugar no CéuEncontro com Duke + Um Lugar no CéuEncontro com Duke + Um Lugar no Céu

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