Past event.
Past event.
Advertising in 20th century cinema went through various genres. In this screening, we’ll present Portuguese examples of some of them: the short advertising sequence, ancestor of the spot; the documentary and/or propaganda film, sponsored by a public organisation or company, such as A Via Aurea, with Vasco Santana (CUF, c. 1930); the film with a simple narrative linking explicit advertising references, such as Sorte Grande, by Erico Braga (1938); and, finally, the short spot, often shared with television and which made the genre of the documentary advertising film obsolete.
Screening with commentary by Eduardo Cintra Torres, Hugo Barreira and Pedro Leitão
Cintra e seus Arredores, Caldevilla Film, 1922
Caldas de Canavezes, Caldevilla Film, 1922
Experiências Práticas de Extintores de Incêndio – Total, Mello, Castello Branco, 1929
A Via Aurea, 1931
Sorte Grande, Erico Braga, 1938
Grandella, Servais Tiago, 1956
O Século — Figuras da Atualidade, Belarte, 1956
Regisconta, António Gomes d’Almeida
1.º Festival Português do Filme Publicitário, vários autores, 1962
Festival de Publicidade Telecine, vários autores, 1966–1968
Na Minha Aldeia, Cerveja a Copo, Quirino Simões, 1966–1969
Sua Excelência o Frango, João Mendes, 1969
Other screenings
Age restriction
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