

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Curtas-metragens de Alice RohrwacherCurtas-metragens de Alice RohrwacherCurtas-metragens de Alice RohrwacherCurtas-metragens de Alice Rohrwacher

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Curtas-metragens de Alice Rohrwacher


01 De Djess
De Djess


Alice Rohrwacher


02 Ad una mela
Ad una mela


Alice Rohrwacher


03 Quattro strade
Four Roads


Alice Rohrwacher


04 Allégorie citadine
An Urban Allegory


Alice Rohrwacher and JR


Short films by Alice Rohrwacher


Curtas-metragens de Alice RohrwacherCurtas-metragens de Alice Rohrwacher

Past event.

Past event.




With a sensitive eye that pays attention to small gestures, Rohrwacher's delicate work often explores themes such as growing up, innocence, rebellion, spirituality and connection with the world. In this screening of short films, we follow three protagonists, from childhood to adolescence, in stories that are poetic portraits of moments of transition and transformation. We also present an intimate documentary through which we get a glimpse of the world surrounding the filmmaker who, during the covid-19 pandemic, filmed her neighbourhood, observing places and people that her body couldn't reach.

Other screenings

Age restriction


Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Curtas-metragens de Alice RohrwacherCurtas-metragens de Alice RohrwacherCurtas-metragens de Alice RohrwacherCurtas-metragens de Alice Rohrwacher

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