

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

COUSIN: Novos FilmesCOUSIN: Novos FilmesCOUSIN: Novos FilmesCOUSIN: Novos Filmes

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COUSIN: Novos Filmes


FilmChief - 2020 - Maat Means Land

Maat, Fox Maxy, 2020

FilmChief - 2021 - Kicking the Clouds

Kicking the Clouds, Sky Hopinka, 2021

FilmChief - 2021 - Nosferasta: First Bite

Nosferasta: First Bite, Adam Khalil, Bayley Sweitzer, 2021

COUSIN: New Shorts



COUSIN: Novos FilmesCOUSIN: Novos Filmes

Past event.

Past event.




This screening presents a selection of three short films, produced in the last two years by members of the COUSIN collective, two of them with their national premieres. Stories about indigenous identity and culture through the eyes of Adam Khalil, Bayley Sweitzer, Fox Maxy and Sky Hopinka.

Screening presented by members of the COUSIN collective.

Other screenings

Age restriction

Subtitles for d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Audiences (Portuguese)

Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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COUSIN: Novos FilmesCOUSIN: Novos FilmesCOUSIN: Novos FilmesCOUSIN: Novos Filmes

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