

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

Ana MeleiroAna MeleiroAna MeleiroAna Meleiro

Clean filters

Ana Meleiro


01 Nha sunhu
Nha sunhu


José Magro


02 A Blue Unbody
A Blue Unbody


Ágata de Pinho


03 Nameless Heitor
Nameless Heitor


Vasco Saltão


04 Raticide


João Niza Ribeiro


New Moons: Ana Meleiro


Ana MeleiroAna Meleiro

Past event.

Past event.




Ana Meleiro is an art director with a delicate look and an aesthetic that transforms narratives into unique visual universes. Since 2015, she has worked in film, television and advertising, also taking on roles as executive producer, plateau assistant and prop maker, enriching productions with her multidisciplinary experience and her ability to orchestrate the visual identity of each project.

With a degree in Cinema from the University of Beira Interior, after specialising in Film and Video at Escola Artística Soares dos Reis (Soares dos Reis Arts School), she began her career as Edgar Pêra's production assistant on the film A Caverna (2015). Divided between her various artistic and technical roles, in recent years she has cemented her place as an art director — a field she has never abandoned. In this role, she has worked with directors such as Luís Ismael, João Lourenço, Rui Falcão, José Magro, João Niza Ribeiro, Vasco Saltão, Ágata de Pinho, Pedro Cabeleira, Leonor Noivo and Adirley Queirós.

In 2022, together with filmmakers José Magro and João Niza Ribeiro, she founded the production company Pântano, based in Porto.

At Batalha, we are showing a sample selection of her collaborations as an art director, which reveals the richness of her approaches and the breadth of her creative facets. A sample that reveals the versatility of Ana Meleiro’s aesthetic, which ranges from minimalist styles to exuberant compositions.

Screening followed by talk with Ana Meleiro and João Araújo (film critic)

Other screenings

Age restriction

English subtitles

Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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Ana MeleiroAna MeleiroAna MeleiroAna Meleiro

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