

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

AM Kaangieser: In the Eye of the StormAM Kaangieser: In the Eye of the StormAM Kaangieser: In the Eye of the StormAM Kaangieser: In the Eye of the Storm

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AM Kaangieser: In the Eye of the Storm


AM Kaangieser: In the Eye of the Storm


AM Kaangieser: In the Eye of the StormAM Kaangieser: In the Eye of the Storm

Past event.




This project was commissioned by Reina Sofia Museum of Contemporary Art. It is a companion piece to And Then the Sea Came Back, and part of a series of work exploring the ocean as a site of colonial expansion, environmental racism and global environmental change. In the Eye of the Storm contains reflections on the aftermath of Cyclone Winston, a Category 5 storm that devastated Fiji in 2016, told by Fijian poets, artists and scientists.

Film installed in the Sala 2 foyer.

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Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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AM Kaangieser: In the Eye of the StormAM Kaangieser: In the Eye of the StormAM Kaangieser: In the Eye of the StormAM Kaangieser: In the Eye of the Storm

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