Commissioned and coproduced by Batalha, Basil da Cunha’s most recent short film follows the crossing of paths between two characters: Camila, 7 years old, who goes in search of a brother who has disappeared following a police raid; and Jysone, who, recently free after serving a jail sentence, searches the neighbourhood for someone to give him a lift to work. This Portuguese-Swiss coproduction, awarded at the Oberhausen Film Festival, is set in the neighbourhood of Reboleira and the cast is composed, once again, of non-professional actors. At Batalha, we present this work in the form of a film-concert, for the first time, with Cachupa Psicadélica, Henrique Silva and Eliana Rosa.
Screening presented by Basil da Cunha. Free entry upon ticket pickup on the same day, starting from 11am.
Our Bar proposes a special dish for dinner: cachupa — traditional or vegetarian — made by Cape Verdean Sol Oliveira, one of the employees of our bar. Registration for this dinner guarantees a ticket for the screening. Reservations via until the 15th of June (price: 8,50€ w/o drinks). Limited to 60 people.
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