25th April with an Open House


25 de Abril com Sala Aberta25 de Abril com Sala Aberta

Past event.




On April Freedom Day, we're opening the doors of Batalha to the celebration that happens on the streets by showing, permanently in both screenrooms, a series of archive documentary films that show the city at different moments and historical episodes in the post-revolution period.

Between 11am and 6pm — free entry.

Sala 1

1.º Encontro Livre da Canção Popular no Porto

Report on the 1st Free Meeting of Popular Song, held at the Pavilhão dos Desportos (Palácio de Cristal) on 6 May 1974, organised by the Círculo de Cultura Teatral/Teatro Experimental do Porto for its 20th anniversary. Key names in intervention song shared the stage: José Mário Branco, Vitorino, José Afonso, Luís Cília, Fausto, Adriano Correia de Oliveira, Francisco Fanhais, Manuel Freire and José Jorge Letria.

Portugal, doc., 1974, 33’


Sala 2

O Porto Depois da Revolução
Aspects of the city of Porto on the first Sunday after the 25 April revolution. Routines are restored in a peaceful atmosphere.

Portugal, doc., 1974, 19’


Visita do Presidente da República ao Porto
Report on the brief visit to Porto by the President of the Republic, General António de Spínola, on 29 May 1974.

Portugal, doc., 1974, 4’


Vasco Gonçalves no Porto para as comemorações do 5 de Outubro
Prime Minister Vasco Gonçalves comes to Porto to take part in the 5th October celebrations.

Portugal, doc., 1974, 2’


Porto — Abril 1975, Alves de Sousa
Amateur filmmaker José Alves de Sousa recorded the election campaign in April 1975, a year after the revolution.

Portugal, doc., 1975, 13’

Other screenings

Age restriction


Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto


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25 de Abril com Sala Aberta25 de Abril com Sala Aberta25 de Abril com Sala Aberta25 de Abril com Sala Aberta

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