

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

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Guest Writers


Guest Writers

September 2024–July 2025


Álvaro Domingues  
Álvaro Domingues is a geographer, professor and researcher at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto and the Centre for Architecture and Urbanism Studies (CEAU-FAUP). Among other works, he is the author of Portugal Possível (2022, with Duarte Belo), Paisagem Portuguesa (2022, with Duarte Belo), Paisagens Transgénicas (2021), Volta a Portugal (2017), Território Casa Comum (2015, with N. Travasso), A Rua da Estrada (2010), Vida no Campo (2012), Políticas Urbanas I e II (with N. Portas and J. Cabral, 2003 and 2011), and Cidade e Democracia (2006). He is a corresponding member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences. He writes regularly for the Público newspaper.

Catarina Alves Costa

Catarina Alves Costa is a film director and anthropologist with a PhD from Universidade Nova de Lisboa with her thesis “Camponeses do Cinema. Representações da Cultura Popular no Cinema Português”. She has directed, among other films, Margot (2022), Pedra e Cal (2016), Falamos de António Campos (2010), Nacional 206 (2009), O Arquiteto e a Cidade Velha (2004) and co-directed Um Ramadão em Lisboa (2019). She is an Assistant Professor at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Anthropology — Visual Cultures and LAV — Audiovisual Laboratory of the Anthropology Network Centre (CRIA). She is the author of the book Cinema e Povo (2022, Edições 70).

Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida

Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida is a Portuguese artist. She is the author of 14 books, including the novels Esse Cabelo (2015), Luanda, Lisboa, Paraíso (2018), As Telefones (2020), Três Histórias de Esquecimento (2021) and Ferry (2022). Her books and essays have won the Oceanos Prize, the Serrote Essay Prize and the Inês de Castro Foundation Literary Prize, among others. She taught literature and philosophy at New York University (NYU). She is a consultant for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination at the President of the Republic's Civil House. Her work has been translated into ten languages and published in Serrote, Granta, Folha de S. Paulo, ZUM and la Repubblica.

Ece Canlı

Ece Canlı is a researcher, artist, and musician whose work intersects material regimes, body politics, and performativity. She holds a PhD in Design from the University of Porto and is currently a researcher at CECS at the University of Minho where she investigates the spatial, material, and technological conditions of the criminal justice system, queer incarceration, penal design, and abolition feminism. As an artist, she employs extended vocal techniques and electronics to create sound for staged performances, exhibitions, and films, both collaboratively and as a soloist.


Genevieve Yue  
Genevieve Yue is an associate professor of Culture and Media and director of the Screen Studies program at Eugene Lang College, The New School. She is co-editor of the Cutaways series at Fordham University Press, and her essays and criticism have appeared in Reverse Shot, October, Grey Room, The Times Literary Supplement, Film Comment, and Film Quarterly. Her book Girl Head: Feminism and Film Materiality was published in 2020 by Fordham University Press.

João Araújo  
With a degree in Economics from the Porto School of Economics, João Araújo writes about cinema for À Pala de Walsh (of which he has been co-editor since 2017). He has been collaborating with the Curtas de Vila do Conde Festival since 2016, on the selection committee, moderating talks with filmmakers and coordinating the editorial process. He has been the director and programmer of Cineclube Octopus since 2003. In 2010, he presented a film-concert based on the filmography of Yasujiro Ozu in various parts of the country. In 2015, he collaborated with Porto/Post/Doc in the programming of a series dedicated to Lionel Rogosin.

Miguel Boneville

Miguel Bonneville introduces us to autofictional stories, centred on the deconstruction and reconstruction of identity, through works that cross multiple artistic areas. He has directed films such as Traça (2016), Um medo com duas grandes faces (2022), and Camera obscura (2023). He has published the books Ensaios de santidade (Sr. Teste, 2021), O pessoal é político (Douda Correria, 2021), as well as the artist’s editions Jérôme, Olivier et moi (Homesession, 2008), Notas de um primata suicida (2017), and, through the Teatro do Silêncio, Dissecação de um cisne (2018), Lamento do ciborgue (2021), Recuperar o corpo (2021) and Camera escura (2022).


Róisín Tapponi
Róisín Tapponi (b. 1999, Dublin) is a writer and film programmer based in London. Tapponi is the founder of Shasha Movies, the independent streaming platform for artists' film and video from South-West Asia and North Africa. She has curated film programmes for The Academy, MoMA, 52 Walker St., David Zwirner, e-flux, Anthology Film Archives, Film Forum, Metrograph, Frieze, Chisenhale Gallery, Art Jameel, among others. She completed a PhD in History of Art at the University of St. Andrews.

Teresa Castro

A historian and theorist of cinema and images, Teresa Castro is a professor in the film studies department at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle — Paris 3. Her work focuses on the visual cultures of modernity and the relationship between cinema and contemporary art. She was a researcher at the Musée du quai Branly (Paris) and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin). In 2013, she worked as associate curator of the exhibition Vues d'en haut at the Centre Pompidou-Metz. Part of her current research focuses on cinema, animism and ecocriticism.

Victor Guimarães

Critic, film programmer and teacher. He has a doctorate in Social Communication from UFMG, and studied at the Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle (Paris 3). He has collaborated with publications such as Cinética, Con Los Ojos Abiertos, Senses of Cinema, Desistfilm, Outskirts, Documentary Magazine, La Vida Útil, La Furia Umana and Cahiers du Cinéma. He has programmed at, Mostra de Tiradentes and Woche der Kritik in Berlin, and has produced special programmes for venues such as XCèntric (Barcelona), Essay Film Festival (London) and Cinemateca de Bogotá. He is currently the programme director of FICValdivia (Chile) and artistic director of FENDA (Brazil).

Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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