

Neighbouring Cinema

Neighbouring Cinema

FilmChief - 1982 - Fishing the Moon from the PoolFilmChief - 1982 - Fishing the Moon from the PoolFilmChief - 1982 - Fishing the Moon from the PoolFilmChief - 1982 - Fishing the Moon from the Pool

Clean filters

FilmChief - 1982 - Fishing the Moon from the Pool


Fishing the Moon from the Pool
Zhou Kequin

In the jungle, between the trees and the darkness of the night, something dazzling appears, illuminating the faces of its denizens. Will we be able to reach it? The forest’s inhabitants give up, deciding that instead of trying to catch the moon the best thing to do is simply to lose themselves in its enigmatic glow.

Using a delicate style of animation that plays with the idea of Chinese shadow puppetry, this film shows the moon as ultimately unattainable, something which renders it all the more fascinating.








Original title

Houzi lao yue
Zhou Kequin
Ying-Chu Wu

Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto

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FilmChief - 1982 - Fishing the Moon from the PoolFilmChief - 1982 - Fishing the Moon from the PoolFilmChief - 1982 - Fishing the Moon from the PoolFilmChief - 1982 - Fishing the Moon from the Pool

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