Diouana lives in a village on the outskirts of Dakar, Senegal, until she is hired as a nanny by a white French woman, identified only as Madame, who employs her to look after her children. When her bosses invite her to move to France with them, Diouana fantasises about the cosmopolitan life that awaits her. But when she arrives in great Europe, the French people’s continuous aggression and emotional violence towards her reveal the extension of racism and the perpetuation of colonial power relations, conveyed through the domestic space.
Original title
Age restriction
Restored by Cineteca di Bologna/L’Immagine Ritrovata laboratory, in association with the Sembène Estate, Institut National de l’Audiovisuel, INA, Eclair laboratories and the Centre National de Cinématographie. Restoration funded by The Film Foundation’s World Cinema Project.
Programme notes by Raquel Schefer
©2024 Batalha Centro de Cinema. Design de website por Macedo Cannatà e programação por Bondhabits