

Cinema ao Redor

Cinema ao Redor

FilmChief - 2019 - At Those Terrifying Frontiers Where the Existence and Disappearance of People Fade into Each OtherFilmChief - 2019 - At Those Terrifying Frontiers Where the Existence and Disappearance of People Fade into Each OtherFilmChief - 2019 - At Those Terrifying Frontiers Where the Existence and Disappearance of People Fade into Each OtherFilmChief - 2019 - At Those Terrifying Frontiers Where the Existence and Disappearance of People Fade into Each Other

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FilmChief - 2019 - At Those Terrifying Frontiers Where the Existence and Disappearance of People Fade into Each Other


FilmChief - 2019 - At Those Terrifying Frontiers Where the Existence and Disappearance of People Fade into Each Other - fc-img-13717.png
At Those Terrifying Frontiers Where the Existence and Disappearance of People Fade into Each Other
Basel Abbas


Ruanne Abou-Rahme

O título desta obra é uma citação direta do livro After the Last Sky, do académico, pianista e ensaísta Edward Said. Estas “fronteiras terríveis” são os limites sempre voláteis de Gaza, um lugar onde os movimentos são inscritos com violência — seja o avanço dos colonatos, seja a deslocação dos residentes. Ao longo desta curta ouvimos os depoimentos de participantes na “Great March of Return” — uma demonstração que ocorreu em Gaza ao longo de um ano — e entre os quais se encontram as próprias vozes dos artistas, diluídas na sua identidade por avatares humanóides renderizados.








Título original

At Those Terrifying Frontiers Where the Existence and Disappearance of People Fade into Each Other
Basel Abbas


Ruanne Abou-Rahme


Inglês, Árabe



Classificação etária


Batalha Centro de Cinema

Praça da Batalha, 47
4000-101 Porto
+351 225 073 308

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FilmChief - 2019 - At Those Terrifying Frontiers Where the Existence and Disappearance of People Fade into Each OtherFilmChief - 2019 - At Those Terrifying Frontiers Where the Existence and Disappearance of People Fade into Each OtherFilmChief - 2019 - At Those Terrifying Frontiers Where the Existence and Disappearance of People Fade into Each OtherFilmChief - 2019 - At Those Terrifying Frontiers Where the Existence and Disappearance of People Fade into Each Other

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